所在位置:首页 → 游戏资讯 → 群晖安装工具包-群晖安装软件命令


发布: 更新时间:2023-03-22 09:49:55


  • 1、黑群晖nas安装教程 黑群晖nas如何安装
  • 2、群晖安装Docker
  • 3、二手群晖怎么安装
  • 4、群晖(Synology) NAS 安装 ipkg 包管理工具
  • 5、群晖怎么安装linux的软件
  • 6、群晖pat文件命令行安装

黑群晖nas安装教程 黑群晖nas如何安装

1、首先我们选择硬件主板华擎科技J3455B-ITX。 转接卡:PCI-E转SATA4口 金士顿2G内存条 U盘16G(随便傻牌子) 硬盘1TB(牌子也随便) 4盘位NAS机箱黑群晖机箱 电源:森林人500W小1U电源 转接线:主板插针5Pin转USB2.0扩展线


3、系统安装。安装好了组装机器,接下来就要安装系统了。【我会在】 ChipEasy--(芯片无忧读取U盘) win32diskimager--(img 镜像写入工具) Editplus(编辑 grub.cfg文件) SynologyAssistantSetup--(群晖软件助手)U盘引导镜像,MAC计算,群晖DSM_DS3617xs_15217.pat


5、安装Win32Disklmager 并运行,选择群晖U盘引导镜像,设备选择到用作启动盘的U盘。


7、修改 grub.cfg文件。用记事本打开,找到下图所示位置:修改好了就表示U盘步骤已经完成。






13、选择手动更新,不要选自动安装。 在设置QuickConnect时,直接跳过此步骤即可。


   Docker 是一个开源的应用容器引擎,让开发者可以打包他们的应用以及依赖包到一个可移植的容器中,然后发布到任何流行的 Linux 机器上,也可以实现虚拟化。容器是完全使用沙箱机制,相互之间不会有任何接口。

   Docker 共享操作系统内核底层,只是软件层面的虚拟化,而不像虚拟机那样对物理层虚拟,所以资源的消耗相对小,同时由于社区与 Docker HUB 的存在,大量优质的应用都能够傻瓜式的部署在 Docker 平台上。

  首先要说的是,x86 平台的群晖才能用的上 Docker 套件,因此,ARM 架构平台的群晖只能说非常遗憾了。









群晖(Synology) NAS 安装 ipkg 包管理工具

How to install IPKG on Synology NAS

As you well know, IPKG , or the Itsy Package Management System, is a lightweight package management system designed for embedded devices and it resembles Linux Debian’s dpkg. It was used in the Unslung operating system for the Linksys NSLU2 (Optware), in OpenWrt, Openmoko, webOS, Gumstix, the iPAQ, QNAP NAS appliances and elsewhere; as of early 2017 it can still be used for Synology NAS DSM appliances and in the LuneOS operating system (although opkg is an increasingly common replacement).

As usual, for package management systems, ipkg’s ipkg command-line utility allows for the installation of new packages, the upgrading or removal of existing packages, querying package repositories for available packages, and listing already installed packages. The development for this project has been discontinued. Many projects which formerly used IPKG have adopted the IPKG fork opkg as a replacement.

I just wanted to share how I installed IPKG on my Synology DS718+. You can also install it on different Synology devices by following the instructions below. To be clear, the installation process should be the same for other Synology Disk Stations and unfold without any problem.

First of all go to the Synology Package Center, click on “ Settings ” on the top, right corner, and then click on “ Package Sources “. Add the source “ ” (you can choose the name you want, i.e. “CPHUB”). Follow the instructions in the image below:

After clicking OK , you should see a new “ Community ” tab in the package center on the left. Find and install “ Easy Bootstrap Installer ” from QTip. There is also a GUI Version if you’d prefer, called “ iPKGui “, also from QTip. Follow the instructions in the image below:

IPKG is now installed. The executables are located in “ /opt/bin/ “. You can SSH your NAS and use it. However, the directory has not yet been added to the PATH variable, so to use it you would need to use the full path “ /opt/bin/ipkg “. You can add the directory to the PATH variable using the following command:

export PATH=”$PATH:/opt/bin”

However, this would only add the directory to PATH for the current session. To make the change permanent, you need to edit the “ /etc/profile “. To do that, I used the “ nano ” editor, but I had to install it first. Run the following commands:

sudo /opt/bin/ipkg update

sudo /opt/bin/ipkg install nano

sudo /opt/bin/nano /etc/profile

Now find the PATH variable. It should look something like this:


At the end of this string, just append “ :/opt/bin “(don’t forget the colon). Then save and close the file ( CTRL + “O” , then Enter , then CTRL + “X” ).

Note that this will not automatically update your PATH for the current session. To do this, you can run:

source /etc/profile

To check whether it worked, enter the command:

echo $PATH | tr “:” “n” | nl

You should see the entry for “ /opt/bin ” there. Now you’re all set. I hope this little guide will help those of you who want to install IPKG on Synology Nas.

Here you can install Entware.

This post was updated on Saturday / January 18th, 2020 at 7:16 PM

安装 socat

ipgk install socat




命令 作用

yum repolist all 列出所有仓库。

yum list all 列出仓库中所有软件包

yum info 软件包名称 查看软件包信息

yum install 软件包名称 安装软件包

yum reinstall 软件包名称 重新安装软件包

yum update 软件包名称 升级软件包

yum remove 软件包 移除软件包

yum clean all 清除所有仓库缓存

yum check-update 检查可更新的软件包

yum grouplist 查看系统中已经安装的软件包组

yum groupinstall 软件包组 安装指定的软件包组

yum groupremove软件包组 移除指定的软件包组

yum groupinfo 软件包组 查询指定的软件包组信息







